Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Boy and The Other Guy

Yesterday, we ventured north to Lurgan Beach to visit Michelle and her kids in their newly-sold house. We've convened on one other occasion and each other's identities were then introduced with little, apparent, effect. Rei kept referring to Ewan as "The Boy" and Ewan, in turn, called Kai, "The Other Guy". (Although in Ewan's defence, he had not met Kai yet).

Frequent pet interventions and a brief thunderstorm did not dampen the adventure (although we were glad we decided to bunk indoors instead of our original plan to pitch our tent as a practice run for next month's camping trip). Some child's play, adult conversation, and comfortable silences made for a lovely evening.

This morning's walk on the beach featured sand, stones, sticks, and dead fish. Water, too. But only in theory, as Rei is more of an aquatic observer, albeit an enthusiastic one, than a participant.

Our visit was cut short by my need to be back for Bible Study. Just think how much socializing I could do if I really did only work one morning a week. I blame my drive to overachieve.

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