Monday, December 20, 2004

Snow Day II

Shelley's turn for snow day today. Although, she didn't get this information until she was almost at work. And after I spent an hour in the predawn light shovelling out the driveway! The snow had stopped and the roads were manageable; most everything else was open ... but we weren't looking a gift horse in the mouth.

So we embarked upon a day trip to London so that I could finish my shopping, return a book to St. Peter's Seminary and reload on Diet Coke. Due to a some personnel manoeuvring at Ford, Shelley's dad will not be able to join the family gathering tomorrow. So while in the city, we celebrated a pre-Christmas gift exchange giving Shelley's parents their digital camera gift in time for their trip to France.

Shelley had to get back home for a Board Meeting that wasn't cancelled. And I look forward to finishing the shovelling.

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