Saturday, July 15, 2006

Forza Italia

The summer of Italian victories and achievements continues. To complement the World Cup victory and basketball's number one draft pick, La Linea, a.k.a. Mr. Line, was crowned Icon-o-Clash winner at an Icon-o-Bash in Guelph, in the mansion of the league Commissioner.

Besting a Final Four field of Stella from "The Secret Railroad", Jerome the Giraffe of "The Friendly Giant" and the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man of "Ghostbusters", Mr. Line will go on to enjoy fame and glory on T-shirts honouring this achievement.

Mind you, the T-shirt planning/design stage of our gathering took a back seat to the eating, drinking, meeting other cyber-contributors and wrangling our respective children. Although, Shelley and I enjoyed an evening without said wrangling as our young were staying with Grandma and Papa at the farm.

Superjob Mr. Line, I enjoyed the cake.

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