Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Before getting to the latest news, it's time for a bit of catch-up.

Reiko's first season of soccer concluded earlier this month with a couple of sparsely-attended games. What with summer vacations in full swing, and a long weekend, there were a number of absences that required multiple shifts from most players.

The first of these games, none of the kids wanted to play in the fourth quarter; they were tired and just wanted to continue snacking. For her last game, Reiko acquitted herself well, playing 3 quarters and, by her count, "touching" (read: kicking) the ball multiple times.

We missed the final tournament (can't be 4 places at once, more on that later), but when we took her uniform to her coach so it could be donated to a developing country's children's soccer program, we received her trophy (everyone got one).

Apparently the team won both their games during the tournament. Perhaps they were inspired by the absence of one of their best runners. And that was the 2008 season of The Accelerators. Vroom vroom!

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