Thursday, October 13, 2005

Double duty

The past couple nights, Kai has woken up crying, soaked, requiring new diapers, sleepers, blankets.

This evening after one of his brief dozes, as I tried to re-settle him for a longer slumber, I felt his diaper and noted with alarm that it felt quite large and full. Wanting to avoid a wardrobe change, I was determined to get him into new gear post haste. As he wailed, I scrambled to collect new diaper, wipes, and zinc cream.

I quickly unwrapped his blanket burrito and opened up the velcro stubs to find underneath the surprising (to me) dry diaper was another dry diaper. It was then that I remembered earlier today Shelley wondering about doubling up his nighttime diaper to prevent any leaks. Sweet dreams are made of these...

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