Friday, June 02, 2006


Life is filled with those people who spin in different circles as you , but every so often the orbits overlap and the cosmic connection reminds you how small the world is and how important your relationships are.

Today I enjoyed a pleasant online reunion with a colleague from our time as university residence staff. We caught up on our lives and the people in them, bantering back and forth in sarcasm and sincerity (which can be a bit difficult when text messaging) and pledged to keep in touch.

And tonight, I met up with a dear friend, going back to our Sunday School days. She and her husband have been living in Stratford and so after getting the kids settled in bed, I drove to the Festival City for coffee and dessert (a yummy soft-topped crème brulée). We reminisced about our "glorious" (read: "tortuous"; being a hockey-hating brainiac wasn't my most brilliant social strategy) high school days, shuddered at Bushian politics and told stories about our lives. And it turns out they'll be moving to the States, where a tenure-track position in the music department of an American midwestern university awaits.

It's reassuring that no matter how much time has passed, there are those in life with whom you can readily fall back into comfortable conversations and good times. And tomorrow, the kids and I head home to reunite with Shelley.

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