I was going to write yesterday about how much more I've been sleeping lately. With all the big questions finally settled about job and house (and all the late, fitful nights in the weeks previous), it was time to start paying off my sleep debt. I was in bed and sleeping shortly after 10:00 the last couple nights, which is rather early for me.
This morning, the kids were up at 5 a.m.; today has been powered by caffeine. Two cups of coffee with breakfast, a large chai tea through the morning's office hours, a large Tim's in the afternoon before a hospital visit, a Diet Coke while making supper and another coffee after supper before an evening meeting and I haven't been too jittery.
"What you doing? (x7)
I don't know what you doing because I've had too much coffee
I don't know!
Don't drink too much coffee kids."
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