Saturday, May 14, 2005

Bad Vibe

Of course, I brought this on myself.

Keith and I engaged in the tortuous imaginings of every parent's nightmare: what if something were to our kids? With that conversation as the subtext for the day, the scripture reading Mark 5: 21-36 kept popping up in our sessions. (Jairus appeals to Jesus to heal his sick daughter, who is delayed by another healing during which time the girl dies ... it has a happy ending as the girl is brought back to life, but I was really identifying with Jairus this time).

So most of the day was spent in uneasiness and anxiety about things back home. Were Shelley and Rei OK? Did they get to Neva's birthday bash safely? When the afternoon session ended, I couldn't get out of there fast enough and make some phone calls. Jeffy's sister, Jen, answered the phone and told me that Rei and Neva were watching TV together. I was so relieved; I was ready to hang up the phone when I thought to talk to my loved ones.

All in all, it sounds like I missed a great party, but I'm so glad that the ordinariness of my uneventful life is as I left it.

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