Monday, May 23, 2005

Running to Stand Still

Just easing back into things, trying to catch up on play time with Rei, couple time with Shelley and prep time for baby-on-the-way. In my absence, the lawns and trees have greened up, tulips have come and mostly gone, and the lilacs have popped out.

In spite of the sprinkling rain, I did go out for a Keith-less run late this morning. As improbable as it is, I wondered if the rain that fell on me today was the same rain that fell on me in Winnipeg yesterday. Regardless, it put a new, relevant spin on Matthew 5: 45, "... [God] sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous".

That doesn't really help me with unpacking, the stack of mail to go through, the preparation for London Conference's Annual General Meeting this weekend or the concurrent Youth at Conference program. I have, however, viewed the Quentin Tarantino double episode of CSI and reconnected to the 24-hour adventures of Jack Bauer in time for the finale tonight. Priorities, you know....

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